Vestibular Rehabilitation

Did you know that dizziness and balance problems affect approximately 50% of all adults at some time? Did you know that dizziness accounts for 5-10% of all doctor visits and is the #1 reason for physician visits by people over the age of 65? Dizziness is a real problem. It is not normal, nor is it something you should put up with.

 The terms dizziness and vertigo are often used interchangeably, which is incorrect. Dizziness is an umbrella term that is used to describe a variety of sensations, which include feeling unsteady, light-headed, feeling like you are on-board a ship, floating or swimming inside your head, etc. Vertigo is defined as an illusion of movement of self or environment, which can present itself in many ways (not just horizontally as a spinning type of motion).

 Dizziness and vertigo are very different and are caused by different dysfunctions within the body. If you are experiencing either of these sensations during your everyday life then vestibular rehabilitation may be helpful for you! Managing dizziness can be difficult and frustrating. At FreeForm, your voice will be heard. We will encourage you to describe in detail what you have been experiencing so that we can provide you with the correct treatment or referral for your problem.

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